My hair was long, very long. You’re probably imagining a Pantene commercial where the model sways her head from side to side, unleashing long, luxurious locks. But you would be wrong. My long hair was just that: long and looked more like a new riff on a mullet than anything that belongs in a shampoo commercial.

Enter Karu salon: after reading the rave reviews on Yelp, I made an appointment to see Tim for a much-needed haircut. I absolutely love hair/nail/spa places that do online appointments. Come on now, it’s 2013 – I don’t need to talk to a receptionist on the phone and play the “are you free when I’m free?” game.

So I went in for my haircut and had a good heart-to-heart with Tim about my hair, my lifestyle, and my hair “don’ts”. As in “I don’t like wispy ends or bangs” and then he got to work. I’ve got to tell you, Tim is a veritable rockstar.

In an hour, he transformed my look and now my hair looks awesome front & back. He was chill, easy going, and managed to keep up an hour long conversation with me about the Austin food scene (don’t you love how what you eat nowadays speaks volumes about who you are?).

From now on, I’m not going to slack and tell myself it’s okay to sneak into a Supercuts over lunch anymore. I plan to go back and see Tim soon!